Carys Mai and the Lads

Today's free gig in Victoria Place Eastbourne was talented local singer Carys Mai, ably supported by a Lad on guitar. Carys displayed the range and power of her extraordinary voice. When a guitar string broke, she even performed an impromptu acapella laying down backing vocals first and then singing a lead vocal with them, a live version of multi-track recording. 

Her rendition of Twist and Shout got even me dancing in the street - though carefully: the knees are no longer what they were, and I have to be careful when going down in case I can't get back up. She segued this into La Bamba, a tune which always makes me feel joyful, and then segued back again. 

She displayed more of her vocal talent with an Amy Winehouse number and got the crowd singing along to a version of Proud Mary which started slow and then became substantially more sassy.

It was a most enjoyable set; these performers deserve greater recognition. 

This review was written by

the author of Bally and Bro, Motherdarling 

and The Kids of God
