Soap Box Derby Eastbourne


Today we went to see the Eastbourne soap box race. We trudged up to Meads (about 40 minutes) and we got there just after noon but still some time before they were ready to start.

There weren’t that many people but there was already no room at the front over most of the course. Perhaps we should have stayed near the end of the course: more things happened there. So it was difficult for Steph to get any clear pictures. Furthermore, we witnessed no disasters. On the TV wheels are always coming off and carts crashing; there was none of that. All the vehicles we watched made it safely down to the bottom of the hill. And, of course, as I had anticipated, there was always s pause in between soap box runs. We must have been there at least an hour and we saw the first two heats, that’s ten runs. When you consider that the maximum time taken was well under a minute, you’ll realise that there is a lot of hanging around.

But it was fun. And walking along the beach afterwards, with the waves rolling into shore and the sky so blue and the air so clear that Hastings was easily visible, was, as usual, magic.

This post was written by

the author of Bally and Bro, Motherdarling 

and The Kids of God
